Shri Pawan Kumar Mishra is presently working as Director (Finance), Central Coalfields Limited (CCL), a coal mining company since June-2022. He is Graduate in Commerce and also member of Institute of Chartered Accountant. He is also director of Jharkhand Central Railway Limited (JCRL).

Prior to his joining in CCL, he had worked as CFO (Chief Financial Officer) with DNH Power Distribution Corporation Limited (DNHPDCL), a power distribution utility and also Nuclear Power Corporation Limited (NPCIL), a power generation company. He has more than 20 years of experience in the fields of accounting, finance and taxation. He has very rich and vast experience in corporate accounting & taxation, corporate financing including restructuring, commercial / project evaluation including negotiation and its documentation, budget & budgetary control, dealing with auditors, commercial compliances including tariff determination & finalization, Power Purchase Agreement finalization and other regulatory compliances in power sector.

In his previous professional working association, he has played key roles in privatisation of electricity distribution company through competitive bidding first of its kind including documentation. He was also instrumental in transfer and hand holding process of the said privatisation, turning out of financial performance of distribution utility company through regulatory improvements, implementation of integrated business solution & automated business processes, preparation of finance manual & internal audit manual, implementation of new accounting standards (Ind AS) including finalization of new accounting policies and reporting structure.