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e-Tender Open (Manual) Turnkey Tender Limited Tender Enquiry Expression of Interest

Area Reference No. Tender Title Sale Open Sale Close Tender Opening Uploaded On
DHORI GM(D)/SO(C)/E-tender/2024-25/112 Provision of Drain with Repair and maintenance of 07 Number weigh bridge and cleaning of Joria Nalla

26- 03-2025 11- 04-2025
15: 00   
12- 04-2025
10: 00   
NORTH KARANPURA PO(KDH)/PE(EnM)/NIT/2024-25/20 Providing and fixing of asbestos coated and graphite lubricated H/D packing Nut Bolt coupling bolt w

27- 03-2025 05- 04-2025
17: 00   
07- 04-2025
9: 00   
NORTH KARANPURA GM(NK)/Excv/eTender/24-25/138 Dismantling, Repairing and Fitment of Plummer block, Yoke assly oscillation Bush yoke centre and b

26- 03-2025 04- 04-2025
18: 00   
05- 04-2025
11: 00   
CORPORATE CCL/GM(WnS)/NIT/24-25/7082-92 External painting of different types of quarter along with repair and other misc. works at JNC.

26- 03-2025 15- 04-2025
11: 00   
16- 04-2025
11: 30   
KUJU GM(K)/SO(C)/e-NIT/2024-25/676 Providing rest shelter at excavation workshop of Topa OCP under Kuju Area.

26- 03-2025 05- 04-2025
15: 00   
07- 04-2025
000: 000   
KUJU GM(K)/SO(C)/e-NIT/2024-25/677 Repair and maintenance of E&M workshop shed, motorcycle shed and providing toilets for ladies and ge

26- 03-2025 05- 04-2025
15: 00   
07- 04-2025
11: 00   
RAJHARA PE(EnM)/TTK/NIT/11 Repairing of 2 Nos. 1000 GPM Pumps (Make: M&P, Model: 125/150 GSN - 1 No. & Make: Kirloskar, Model:

25- 03-2025 05- 04-2025
17: 00   
07- 04-2025
11: 00   
KUJU GM(K)/Excv-61/24-25/T-135 Different repairing works applicable to BH60M Dumper Sl. No. 60409 deployed at Karma OCP, Kuju Area.

26- 03-2025 05- 04-2025
9: 00   
07- 04-2025
9: 00   
KUJU GM(K)/Excv-61/24-25/T-136 Different repairing works applicable to CK300E Shovel sl. no. 172 deployed at Topa OCP, Kuju Area.

26- 03-2025 05- 04-2025
9: 00   
07- 04-2025
9: 00   
KUJU GM (K)/EnM/eTender/24-25/306 Erection and extension of 440V Overhead line from main substation to Kali Mandir of Topa OCP under K

25- 03-2025 05- 04-2025
18: 45   
07- 04-2025
11: 00   
KUJU GM (K)/EnM/eTender/24-25/299 Repairing and reconditioning of 05 nos lighting control panel of lighting tower installed at Topa Pr

24- 03-2025 04- 04-2025
18: 45   
05- 04-2025
11: 00   
KUJU GM (K)/EnM/eTender/24-25/297 Supply and erection of 17 nos. of chemical earth pits with brick enclosure and cover plate to be ere

17- 03-2025 27- 03-2025
18: 45   
28- 03-2025
11: 00   
KUJU GM (K)/EnM/eTender/24-25/296 Retarding /resoling of serviceable 10.20 tyre and repairing of Self and Alternator Assly for differe

24- 03-2025 04- 04-2025
18: 45   
05- 04-2025
11: 00   
KUJU GM (K)/EnM/eTender/24-25/295 Providing Uninterrupted power supply to CCTVs surveillance system installed at Coke stock and crushe

24- 03-2025 04- 04-2025
18: 00   
05- 04-2025
11: 00   
KUJU GM (K)/EnM/eTender/24-25/294 Arrangement of proper power supply and controlling of lighting tower for illumination at Kuju new si

17- 03-2025 27- 03-2025
18: 45   
28- 03-2025
11: 00   
KUJU GM (K)/EnM/eTender/24-25/287 Repairing and reconditioning of secondary control panels of DG set 200 KVA 415 Volt CE make SL. No.G

17- 03-2025 27- 03-2025
18: 45   
28- 03-2025
11: 00   
KUJU GM (K)/EnM/eTender/24-25/288 Repairing and reconditioning of two nos. 11 KV VCB having S.No. 1133 and 1139 respectively installed

17- 03-2025 27- 03-2025
18: 45   
28- 03-2025
11: 00   
MAGADH AMRAPALI GM (M-S)/SO(C)/eTender/2024-25/72/1523 Removal of unserviceable materials from major bridges under Magadh OCP of Magadh-Sanghmitra Area

26- 03-2025 05- 04-2025
10: 00   
07- 04-2025
11: 00   
MAGADH AMRAPALI GM (M-S)/SO(C)/eTender/2024-25/73/1524 Repair and maintenance of building situated in Kundi for shifting of security personnels under Magad

26- 03-2025 05- 04-2025
10: 00   
07- 04-2025
11: 00   
MAGADH AMRAPALI GM (M-S)/SO(C)/eTender/2024-25/74/1525 Provision of check post rooms and barriers at different locations under Magadh OCP of Magadh-Sanghmi

26- 03-2025 05- 04-2025
10: 00   
07- 04-2025
11: 00   
NORTH KARANPURA GM(NK)/Excv/eTender/24-25/136 Repairing of steering Clutch both side, Trunion Ball, Trunion Cap, Trunion cover, Tilt hose cover an

26- 03-2025 04- 04-2025
18: 00   
05- 04-2025
11: 00   
NORTH KARANPURA GM(NK)/Excv/eTender/24-25/137 Repairing of vibration damper after removal of broken bolt, thread making, propeller and drive shaft

26- 03-2025 04- 04-2025
18: 00   
05- 04-2025
11: 00   
MAGADH AMRAPALI G.M.(M-S)/S.O.(E&M)/e-NIT/24-25/91 Providing Main control Switch and cable & Fixing of lighting arrangement in Pratiksha Parisar under

19- 03-2025 28- 03-2025
17: 00   
29- 03-2025
11: 00   
MAGADH AMRAPALI G.M.(M-S)/S.O.(E&M)/e-NIT/24-25/90 Repairing and overhauling of two numbers (A) 1000 GPM pumps make wilo Mather & Platt pumps Pvt. Ltd.

19- 03-2025 28- 03-2025
17: 00   
29- 03-2025
11: 00   
BARKA SAYAL GM(B-S)/Civil/Tender/2024-25/ 1049 Complete annual maintenance of Officers colony, Checkpost colony, Jarjara colony, Bagraiya colony,Th

23- 03-2025 07- 04-2025
15: 00   
08- 04-2025
11: 00   
BARKA SAYAL GM(B-S)/Civil/Tender/2024-25/ 1053 Facelifting of Temples on occasion of Ramnavmi under Bhurkunda Project, Barka Sayal Area.

23- 03-2025 28- 03-2025
15: 00   
29- 03-2025
11: 00   
MAGADH AMRAPALI GM (M-S)/SO(C)/eTender/2024-25/71/1497 Repairing of road from Saradhu picket to approach of Kundi village and PO Office under Magadh OCP of

25- 03-2025 09- 04-2025
10: 00   
10- 04-2025
11: 30   
ARGADA PO/SG/EnM/Sirka/eNIT/24-25/20 Complete rewinding/repairing of 630 KVA, 3.3KV/415V distribution transformer make-NA of Area Account

25- 03-2025 05- 04-2025
11: 00   
07- 04-2025
11: 30   
PIPARWAR SO(EnM)/PPR/eNIT/24-25/73 Revival /repairing /replacement of garden light of D type Qtr. No. D-01 to D-08, D-10, D-13 and D-16

22- 03-2025 01- 04-2025
17: 00   
02- 04-2025
11: 00   
PIPARWAR SO(EnM)/PPR/eNIT/24-25/74 Fresh electrical wiring in Security Barrack and Security Office Room of GM Office under GM Unit, Pip

22- 03-2025 01- 04-2025
17: 00   
02- 04-2025
11: 00   
RAJHARA PE(EnM)/TTK/NIT/2024-25/10 Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (CAMC), Including Annual Verification and Stamping of 02 (

21- 03-2025 29- 03-2025
17: 00   
31- 03-2025
11: 00   
KUJU GM (K)/EnM/eTender/24-25/284 Repairing and maintenance of 11KV/3.3KV/440V along with erection and dismantling of poles of Pindra project under Kuju Area.

Repairing and maintenance of 11KV/3.3KV/440V along with erection and dismantling of poles of Pindra project under Kuju Area.

11- 03-2025 21- 03-2025
18: 45   
22- 03-2025
11: 00   
NORTH KARANPURA PO(KDH)/PE(EnM)/NIT/2024-25/19 (A) Complete repairing/rewinding of stator of 75KW, 3-Phase, 415V Motor, 1480 RPM, Make- Crompton Gr

26- 03-2025 04- 04-2025
17: 00   
05- 04-2025
17: 00   
HAZARIBAGH GM(H)/SO(C)/NIT/2024-25/83 Provision of garland drain, hume pipes and other misc. works for monsoon preparation 24-25 at JOCP,

25- 03-2025 05- 04-2025
17: 00   
07- 04-2025
11: 00   
HAZARIBAGH GM(H)/SO(C)/NIT/2024-25/84 Provision of Borewells and supplying and fixing of two numbers of Piezometers at approved locations

25- 03-2025 05- 04-2025
17: 00   
07- 04-2025
11: 00   
KUJU GM(K)/Excv-61/24-25/T-134 Different repairing works applicable to Dumper Sl. No. 344 and Drills Sl No-906 and 748 deployed at

25- 03-2025 04- 04-2025
9: 00   
05- 04-2025
9: 00   
CORPORATE CCL/GM(W&S)/NIT/2024-25/ 7044-53 Supply of potable water through water tanker in Jawahar Nagar colony and Darbhanga House Complex, as

22- 03-2025 03- 04-2025
20: 00   
03- 04-2025
20: 30   
NORTH KARANPURA 2025_CCL_333173_1 Ceiling fan repairing

24- 03-2025 01- 01-1970
17: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 00   
DHORI SDOCM/PE(EnM)/e.NIT/24-25/21SDOCM/PE(EnM)/e.NIT/24-25/35 Repairing of Coal receiving plate of mainframe hopper between unloading point to conveyor chain carr

21- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
17: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 00   
KATHARA PO/PE(C)/SWG GVP PH-II/E-Tender/24-25/15 (i)Cleaning of Garland drain along boundary of mines 700mtr (ii) Desiltation and putting sand bags a

21- 03-2025 03- 04-2025
15: 00   
04- 04-2025
16: 00   
HAZARIBAGH GM(H)/SO(C)/NIT/2024-25/82 Provision of Borewells and supplying and fixing of two numbers of Piezometers at approved different

23- 03-2025 03- 04-2025
17: 00   
04- 04-2025
11: 00   
KUJU GM(K)/Excv-61/24-25/T-133 Different repairing works applicable to 13 No. dumpers Sl. No. N10279, N10289, N10290, N10342, 1108

24- 03-2025 03- 04-2025
9: 00   
04- 04-2025
9: 00   
BOKARO & KARGALI PE(C)/KOCP/E-Tender/24-25/22 Provision of 02 nos of view point at Karo Mines under karo OCP of BnK Area.

22- 03-2025 28- 03-2025
11: 00   
29- 03-2025
11: 00   
MAGADH AMRAPALI GM (A-C)/ SO(C)/eTender/2024-25/88/1768 Provision of Two Room at 2nd Floor of LandR Building under Amrapali OCP, A-C Area,CCL.

22- 03-2025 01- 04-2025
16: 00   
02- 04-2025
11: 30   
MAGADH AMRAPALI GM (A-C)/ SO(C)/eTender/2024-25/89/1769 Demarcation of R&R Site at Kurhapatra under Amrapali OCP of A-C Area, CCL

22- 03-2025 01- 04-2025
16: 00   
02- 04-2025
11: 30   
DHORI GM(D)/SO(C) /E-tender/2024-25/111 Provision of Drain with Repair and maintenance of 07 Number weigh bridge and cleaning of Joria Nalla

Cancellation Ref. No.- GM(D)/SO(Civil)/office order/24-25/1419

22- 03-2025 07- 04-2025
15: 00   
08- 04-2025
10: 00   
KUJU GM(K)/SO(C)/e-NIT/2024-25/670 Repair of broken quarry boulder mine edge fencing and providing concertina coil fencing at Karma OCP

22- 03-2025 01- 04-2025
15: 00   
02- 04-2025
11: 00   
ARGADA GEM/2025/B/6077401 Hiring of LMVS on 24 Hrs per day Service

21- 03-2025 10- 04-2025
18: 00   
10- 04-2025
18: 30   
MAGADH AMRAPALI GM (A-C)/ SO(C)/eTender/2024-25/90/1779 Providing 50 Nos. of Sliding Barriers under Amrapali OCP of A-C Area, CCL.

24- 03-2025 03- 04-2025
16: 00   
04- 04-2025
11: 30   
MAGADH AMRAPALI GM (A-C)/ SO(C)/eTender/2024-25/91/1780 Providing and Fixing of 6 nos of Hand pump in Different villages of Koyad Panchayat under GM Unit A-

24- 03-2025 03- 04-2025
16: 00   
04- 04-2025
11: 30   
MAGADH AMRAPALI GM (A-C)/ SO(C)/eTender/2024-25/92/1781 Heightening of Existing Boundary wall with Concertina coil fencing in Jharkhand Vikas Ucch Vidyalaya

24- 03-2025 03- 04-2025
16: 00   
04- 04-2025
11: 30   
KUJU GM(K)/Excv-61/24-25/T-132 Repairing of both side lift cylinders and tilt cylinder for Dozer Sl No-13738 and draw bar assembly

22- 03-2025 01- 04-2025
9: 00   
02- 04-2025
9: 00   
DHORI SDOCM/PE(EnM)/e.NIT/24-25/34 Repairing and overhauling of 01 no. MnP make 1000 GPM, 3CHR, 100 mtr. head 200mm x 150mm size multi

19- 03-2025 29- 03-2025
16: 00   
31- 03-2025
11: 00   
KATHARA GM(KTA)/SO (C) /E-Tender/24-25/23 Construction of Main Gate with boundary wall for GM office Kathara Area

19- 03-2025 29- 03-2025
15: 000   
30- 03-2025
16: 000   
NORTH KARANPURA GM(NK)/Excv/eTender/24-25/130 Repairing of Parking Brake Assy, Arm Assembly, Arm Base, Bell Crank Assembly of Tyre Handler BL14TH

21- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
000: 000   
01- 04-2025
000: 000   
NORTH KARANPURA GM(NK)/Excv/eTender/24-25/131 Repairing of equalizer bar, idler yoke shaft, Track frame covers, carrier roller foundation, Repairi

21- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
18: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 00   
ARGADA GEM/2025/B/6072553 Hiring of Patient Transport Ambulance

20- 03-2025 09- 04-2025
15: 00   
09- 04-2025
15: 30   
NORTH KARANPURA GM(NK)/Excv/eTender/24-25/132 Repairing of A Frame, housing, bush making and fitting, Removal of broken stud, Repairing of front b

21- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
18: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 00   
CRS/CS BARKAKANA CCL/CRS/BRK/Civil/TN/2024-25/374 Annual maintenance contract of Central store, Barkakana for 02 years

21- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
18: 00   
01- 04-2025
10: 00   

21- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
18: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 00   
NORTH KARANPURA GM(NK)/Excv/eTender/24-25/134 Repairing of brake band LH and brake band RH, Repairing of 4 nos track roller mounting of track roll

21- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
18: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 00   
NORTH KARANPURA GM(NK)/Excv/eTender/24-25/135 Repairing of Air Cooled Transformer of 35KVA transformer 3.3KV/415V, Isolator Mechanism of CK175 and

21- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
18: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 00   
DHORI PO/D(K)/E&M/Tender/24-25/36 Running repairing and maintenance of 02 nos. of MMV fan system installed at 4/5/6 and 7/8 incline of

21- 03-2025 25- 03-2025
18: 45   
26- 03-2025
10: 00   
ARGADA GM (A)/SO(C)(A)/e-Tender36/2024-25/3472 Provision of Toe wall aroud the old OB dump near quarry no. 3 of Gidi-A mines under Gidi-A Colliery,

22- 03-2025 01- 04-2025
11: 00   
02- 04-2025
11: 00   
KUJU GM(K)/SO(C)/e-NIT/2024-25/662 Repairing of existing box culvert at Hesagarha Kali Mandir Kuju Colliery under Kuju Area.

21- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
15: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 00   
PIPARWAR GM(PPR)/Civil/E-tender/2024-25 /3880 Repair of damaged RCC boundary wall in control room compound at CHP CPP under CHP CPP, Piparwar Area

21- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
11: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 00   
PIPARWAR GM(PPR)/Civil/E-tender/2024-25 /3881 Repair of road near GAS warehouse in Basant Vihar Colony under Ashok OCP, Piparwar area

21- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
11: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 00   
PIPARWAR GM(PPR)/Civil/E-tender/2024-25 /3882 AMC work for repairing of pipeline, sanitation in Ashok pit office CISF camp, check post weigh bridg

21- 03-2025 05- 04-2025
11: 00   
07- 04-2025
11: 00   
NORTH KARANPURA GM (NK)/EnM/e-NIT/2024-25/ 249 Complete repairing of VCB Switch (A) 3.3kV, 400 Amp. Make Electroteknica, Sl. No. FS-374, supplying

21- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
17: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 00   
ARGADA GEM/2025/B/6074405 Hiring of Mahindra Bolero or equivalent other vehicle

20- 03-2025 09- 04-2025
19: 00   
09- 04-2025
19: 30   
NORTH KARANPURA GM (NK)/EnM/e-NIT/2024-25/ 250 Repairing of (A)3.3 KV VCB switch 200 Amp. Indoor type make Electrotechnika, Sl. No. missing and (B)

21- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
17: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 00   
DHORI GM(D)/SO(C) /E-tender/2024-25/110 R/M of Qtr. (RCC/140, B/46, B/70, M/599, and 2 nos. LCH) H/17, P/02 situated at Hospital colony , c

21- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
15: 00   
01- 04-2025
10: 00   
KUJU GM(K)/Excv-61/24-25/T-131 Repairing and maintenance of steam washer, storage, input and stand assembly deployed at Karma OCP,

22- 03-2025 01- 04-2025
9: 00   
02- 04-2025
9: 00   
PIPARWAR SO(EnM)/PPR/e-NIT/24-25/72 Annual Maintenance Contract of 26 nos. of Water Cooler cum Purifier (Make: Eureka Forbes Limited, Mo

20- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
15: 00   
31- 03-2025
15: 30   
NORTH KARANPURA PO/RRS/NK/e-NIT/2024-25/31 Repairing and replacement of the EOT crane mechanism gear box and lifting etc of Overhead crane 10 T

19- 03-2025 29- 03-2025
18: 00   
31- 03-2025
11: 00   
NORTH KARANPURA PO/RRS/NK/e-NIT/2024-25/32 Repairing and reconditioning of main control panel of Machine Shop (Panel 1 and 2) for controlling p

19- 03-2025 29- 03-2025
18: 00   
31- 03-2025
11: 00   
HAZARIBAGH GM(H)/SO(C)/NIT/2024-25/81 Provision of shed, platform, and stage at Laiyo community place under JOCP, Hazaribagh Area

20- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
17: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 00   
NORTH KARANPURA GM(NK)/Excv/eTender/24-25/127 Repairing of A. Cracked C Frame chassis, platform, Water Tank, Hydraulic Motor mounting bolts nuts r

20- 03-2025 29- 03-2025
18: 00   
31- 03-2025
11: 00   
NORTH KARANPURA GM(NK)/Excv/eTender/24-25/128 Repairing of cracked and broken dump body both side front fenders and ladder both exhaust pipe and b

20- 03-2025 29- 03-2025
18: 00   
31- 03-2025
11: 00   
ARGADA PO/SG/EnM/Sirka/eNIT/24-25/19 Repair and maintenance of different transformers installed at different locations of Sirka Colliery

20- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
11: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 30   
NORTH KARANPURA GM(NK)/Excv/eTender/24-25/129 Trailing Cable Jointing and vulcanisation For 20 nos. of joints for EKG 596, CKE 167, CKE175 and IDM

20- 03-2025 29- 03-2025
18: 00   
31- 03-2025
11: 00   
DHORI GM(D)/SO(C) /E-tender/2024-25/109 Repair and maintenance of quarters for shifting case and other special case as required under GM uni

20- 03-2025 04- 04-2025
15: 00   
05- 04-2025
10: 00   
MAGADH AMRAPALI GM (A-C)/SO(C)/eTender/2024-25/87/1749 Daily sweeping and brooming of road from Binglat Gate No. 01 to Kishunpur more for period of two yea

21- 03-2025 05- 04-2025
16: 00   
07- 04-2025
11: 30   
PIPARWAR PO(AK)/PE(EnM)/e-NIT/24-25/66 Erection of 7 span of HT OH Line (3.3 kv) as extension of Feeder No.-5 for provision of power to fac

19- 03-2025 29- 03-2025
17: 00   
31- 03-2025
17: 00   
NORTH KARANPURA GM (NK)/EnM/e-NIT/2024-25/ 246 Repairing of two nos. 1000 GPM Pump (A) 1000 GPM, Make Mather and Platt, axially split case single s

20- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
17: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 00   
NORTH KARANPURA GM (NK)/EnM/e-NIT/2024-25/ 247 Repairing of One No. of 540 Cum/hr, 150 Mtr. Head, Model FM 590 BD, Make Flowmore Pump of Dakra OCP,

20- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
17: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 00   
NORTH KARANPURA GM (NK)/EnM/e-NIT/2024-25/ 248 Annual Maintenance contract for repair and maintenance of internal electrical wiring and allied work

20- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
17: 00   
01- 04-2025
11: 00   
ARGADA GM(A)/SO(C)(A)/e-Tender34/2024-25/3465 Provision of Cutting and Cleaning of Garland drain, ETP Cleaning and Misc. Work at Excavation Worksh

21- 03-2025 01- 04-2025
11: 00   
02- 04-2025
11: 00   
ARGADA GM(A)/SO(C)(A)/e-Tender35/2024-25/3466 Provision of garland drain, laying of hume pipe and other allied works under Monsoon Preparation of

21- 03-2025 01- 04-2025
11: 00   
02- 04-2025
11: 00   
BOKARO & KARGALI PE(C)/KOCP/E-Tender/24-25/21 R/M of PF-II siding room ,DMO challan room ,Quality lab(Karo Mines) ,PE(X) Office under karo OCP of

20- 03-2025 25- 03-2025
12: 00   
26- 03-2025
12: 00   
KUJU GM(K)/Excv-61/24-25/T-130 Repairing of fuel tank, Front wheel hub (LH and RH), Parking Brake assembly, Steering System and Orb

21- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
9: 00   
01- 04-2025
9: 00   
RAJRAPPA CCL/Rajrappa/GM Unit/Civil/NIT/24-25/48 Annual maintenance of submersible pumps at various locations under GM unit, Rajrappa Area for 2 year

21- 03-2025 31- 03-2025
17: 00   
01- 04-2025
17: 00   
GIRIDIH GM(G)/SO(C)/E-tender/2024-25/135 Cleaning of garland drain & culvert (total length 1km) and Trench cutting around the periphery of th

19- 03-2025 29- 03-2025
15: 00   
31- 03-2025
16: 00   
KATHARA GM(KTA)/SO(C)/e-Tender/Above50lakh/24-25/48 Construction of PCC approach in front of ETP premises near Dumper washing platform under Jarangdih C

18- 03-2025 02- 04-2025
15: 00   
03- 04-2025
16: 00   
GIRIDIH GM(G)/SO(C)/E-tender/2024-25/136 Provision of Hume pipes:4 pc (length 50 m) & Grouting of 7 nos. of rest Shelter & Construction of 8

19- 03-2025 29- 03-2025
15: 00   
31- 03-2025
16: 00   
GIRIDIH GM(G)/SO(C)/E-tender/2024-25/137 Cleaning of garland drain (total length 1km) and New Drain cutting (200 m) Grouting of 6 nos. of res

19- 03-2025 29- 03-2025
15: 00   
31- 03-2025
16: 000   
ARGADA PE(E&M)/GDC/eNIT/2024-25/21 Laying of pipeline of 6” diameter and 200 m of length for fire fighting at coal heap no. 06 of Gidi-

19- 03-2025 29- 03-2025
11: 00   
31- 03-2025
11: 00   
MAGADH AMRAPALI GM (M-S)/SO(C)/eTender/2024-25/67/1458 Repairing of pot holes in approach road of project office under Magadh OCP of Magadh-Sanghmitra Area

19- 03-2025 29- 03-2025
10: 00   
31- 03-2025
11: 00   
MAGADH AMRAPALI GM (M-S)/SO(C)/eTender/2024-25/68/1459 Providing and Fixing boards, writing slogans and other similar miscellaneous works under Magadh OCP

19- 03-2025 29- 03-2025
10: 00   
31- 03-2025
11: 00   
MAGADH AMRAPALI GM (M-S)/SO(C)/eTender/2024-25/69/1460 Providing and Fixing of light motor vehicle barriers at different locations of Magadh OCP under M-S

19- 03-2025 29- 03-2025
10: 00   
31- 03-2025
11: 00   